Tuesday, July 7, 2020

FOOD TRIVIA: Debunking Food Myths

1) Salting water does NOT make it boil faster. In fact, Sodium chloride (salt) increases the boiling point of water so it takes LONGER  to boil. However, salt is important to impart flavor, so don't skip salting water in which things, pasta, vegetable, etc., are being cooked.

2) All the water needed to cook pasta is enough to cover it without crowding. You do not need large volumes of water.

3) Microwaving does NOT destroy nutrients. While heating of any kind will destroy some nutrients, microwaving does LESS damage than other cooking methods because it cooks with less heat and for a shorter time.

4) Hot food does not have to come to room temperature before being refrigerated; just cool enough not to make the refrigerator work longer to get the temperature down.

5) Burns should NOT be treated with ICE. This could ADD to skin damage as it is another temperature extreme. Just run cool water over the burn for several minutes and blot dry.

6 ) Never put bananas in the refrigerator? Not true! When bananas are at the ripeness you like, they CAN be refrigerated for several days and while the skins may be blacked, the fruit will still be very near the ripeness it was when placed into the refrigerator.