Sunday, April 10, 2022

FOOD TRIVIA: Drinking from Chinese Tea Cups

There are many points of etiquette associated with drinking tea in China. Some of them are:

The youngest person at the table always pours the tea for everybody from the eldest person down to the younger people.

When pouring tea, your left hand should cover the lid and your right hand deliver the tea.The person pouring tea has their cup filled last.

Tea is poured only in cups, never in glasses, and the cup is not picked up to have the tea poured into it.When tea is poured and the pot is put down, it is impolite to have have the spout pointed at anybody. Further, the handle should be facing the pourer to imply that they will always be pouring.  

 To acknowledge the person who has poured your tea, a knock on the table using the index and middle fingers is used which represents your appreciation by this symbolic imitation of a kneeling position.