Tuesday, February 20, 2024

COOKING TIP: Using Your Ice Cube Tray

Water from your tap becomes cloudy when frozen. Boiled water, allowed to cool slightly, put into ice cube trays will give crystal clear cubes.

 Puree garlic and ginger with water, freeze and add to soups, stews, stir-fries or mashed potatoes.

 Place cut pieces of fruit, Strawberries, Blueberries, etc. into an ice cube tray, fill the tray with water, and freeze. Use to make fruit cocktail or add to drinks to keep them cold, add some fruit flavor and give a colorful accent to the drink.

Puree berries, sweeten to taste, place in ice cube trays, and freeze. Put in drinks to add color to the drink AND a continuing, sweet berry flavor as the cubes melt.

Freeze bacon fat drippings. Warm to melt a cube and add to salad dressings, soups, toss with greens, use to fry eggs, or use in any other cooking task in which you want to add bacon flavor. The same applies to chicken, duck, or goose fat.

Freeze left-over coffee and add to warm milk to make iced coffee. Same with tea; add to cold tea for iced tea without diluting the tea flavor by using water ice cubes.

Never throw away leftover sauces, small amounts of ketchup or mustard remaining in their containers Freeze them in small amounts. Add tho any dish where you think their addition will improve the flavor of what you are cooking.